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tulips of the week ..

Tulips have a dancing habit and the stem can bend or straighten several times throughout the day. Of some varieties the stem will tend to bend at the neck of the vase, if you want it to be straighter choose a taller vase. 

Tulips are very resistant flowers without water, if when they arrive someone has a soft stem don't worry, cut the stem two centimeters and put it in fresh water, look here how to do. If you want them to stay straight leave them inside the packaging paper during the hydration time. In less than 2 hours they will be shiny again and you can discard them.

The outermost leaf and lowest in the stem can be damaged and act as protection for the others during transport, remove by pulling downwards before potting the tulips.

Peony flower tulips may have difficulty opening fully, if after 2/3 they are still in bud, gently open the petals and you will see that they will bloom right away.

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